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What does Recurring subscription mean?

Last update: 24.10.2019

Recurring Subscription means, when your premium membership expired, you will be automatically charged again for the next premium membership. 

So you can enjoy continued access, without having to re-subscribe. If you don't like this idea, you can cancel it in your account profile.

An example of recurring subscription is:

You join on March 17th, for $16.95, for 30 days access.

On April 17th, you are charged another $16.95.

On May 17th, another $16.95, and so on.

Recurring payments are only for 3 days trial, 30 days and 90 days.

After you purchase a 3 day trial account, you will be automatically billed for 30-day subscription after the 3 days expire.

Premium Memberships for 365 days is one-time payments.

At any time, you can cancel your recurring subscription. You'll have access up until the next rebill date, but you won't be rebilled - your account will become free on after the last day of premium.

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